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There are 161 sites in our database available for searching and 211 sites listed in our directory.

La Casa del Mercante - Community per E-Commerce.
web url address: http://www.merchant-home.com/
Questo sito nasce per l'esigenza di creare una community dove scambiarsi consigli, tra mercanti, per avere successo e trovare le strategie efficaci, nella vendita di beni e servizi sulla piazza elettronica.
this web site was loaded on: 03/October/2004 21:14:44 and was clicked (101390) times.

The Merchant - Servizi per E-Commerce
web url address: http://www.themercant.com/
Questo sito è destinato a diventare un piccolo portale dedicato al commercio elettronico, con forum di discussione, una selezione di links, articoli, suggerimenti, e la possibilità di acquistare un servizio di e-commerce completo, comprensivo di hosting, e fornitura di applicativo web per chi vuole
this web site was loaded on: 03/October/2004 21:08:49 and was clicked (101391) times.

  You are in: Main Directory/Own Sites/E-Commerce/

Home Page Services Solutions Articles History Contacts Links Italian Version

All material on this site is © CopyRight Giovanni Ceglia since 2003, all the right are reserved, the copy and redistribution of the material on this site is forbidden without permission. If there are words about trade marks they are of respective owners. Giovanni Ceglia - Computer Science Services & Programmer, Internet and Hosting Services, Business Number(Italian IVA) N. 03972320653, Based in Via Trento N.74 84016, Pagani (Salerno) Italy, E-Mail: giovanniceglia@xungame.com, Mobile Photne for contacts: 339-4403189.